Went for an early morning walk at Lake Fairfax, a local park with lots of woodland trails and open space but which we don’t get too as often we like. Hubby used to do a lot running here but the mountain bikers have gotten hard to dodge (except for early Sunday mornings). |
Spooked a few ducks and geese, as well as a fisherman who was having a pee behind a tree and didn’t hear us approaching. Saw a great blue heron and a belted kingfisher. |
Cut up a 10-pound turkey and cooked the pieces separately. Debating whether to boil down the carcass (not crazy about the smell but like the soup base). Also made black bean soup and cut up a cooked spiral ham for Hubby’s lunches. |
Finished putting up the lights, which look pretty cool despite the crappy way the photo turned out. Did a bunch of other household maintenance projects even though I promised myself I’d take the day off. |
Mamacita gave us this snowman a few years ago. It makes for a nice greeting for people coming up the front walk at night (not that we have a lot of visitors). Reminds me of Mama every time I look at it, which makes me happy. |
November 28, 2021 — No Comments
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