August 8, 2021
It’s National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Front Porch Day. Yes, that’s for reals. We didn’t have to sneak; 3 friends gladly took some off our hands, along with a grocery bag each of other garden produce today, including 4 different kinds of tomatoes, celery, chard, cucumbers, 5 different kinds of peppers, lemon balm, and green onions. I turned a bunch of basil into pesto and leftover tomatoes into containers to freeze for the winter. Later we walked around Meadowlark Gardens. While Hubby nearly finished his rockery in the front yard, I delivered a bag of veg to some friends in a neighboring town and stayed to chat. Here’s the day in captioned photos.
Lotus fruit; what’s left when the flower dies. It’s edible; tastes like water chestnut Hibiscus Cool petals on the daisies Part of the fairy garden at Meadowlark Loving these troughs Apparently the name of a variety of this plant; thought my British friends would like this Bonsai; not sure why they have them under lock and key What can I say, I like big butts The old cabin at Meadowlark The Korean bell house The birth of pesto Hubby’s new rockery, which he’s going to dedicate to Covid victims
August 8, 2021 — No Comments
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