Today’s blog in pictures. But this news first: I GOT THE JOB!
A celebratory supper of bison burger with dairy-free cheddar, peach-mayo dressing with chili and cayenne, rosemary fries, and an import beer porter. |
Taking advantage of probably the last hot day of the season (~80 degrees) with a bike ride through the nearby town. They’re having an all-night walk for The Cure (leukemia). |
I wonder whether this team will notice that the event organizers spelled the name wrong of one of the largest government contractors in this part of the country? |
My spin tells me I have a heart of gold. I wish I could pawn some of it to pay for the basement work. |
A Scottish clan at our neighborhood spook house, looking a little worse for wear. |
No bones about it, lots of folk buried here. |
Haz-Mat Larry to the rescue, but it may be a little too late. |
Kawabunga, dude! Ready for a day at the beach. |
How far to the Bat Cave? |
Pity the poor mail carrier. |
Shiskebab eyeballs, anyone? |
Nothing like a nice day lounging in the garden. |
Join the family in the parlor for some fun and games. |
Argh, matey! What’s that behind you? A scad of skeletons scurrying up the drain pipe? |
Clowns, ick. ‘Nough said. |
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October 15, 2015 — No Comments
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